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November 23, 2021 1 min read

On November 9th, we attended the unveiling of a new sports facility at Ukhanyo Primary School in Masipumele, Noordehoek, Cape Town.  

In 2017, the 1900 learners at Ukhanyo Primary School had one netball court, one short concrete sprint track and one coach. 

Since then, Masi Sports and other organizations, including the British and Irish Lions charity, have helped bring the school a pair of 40m x 20m multi-sports astro fields, 3 cricket nets and the big one as of November 9th, a 60m x 30m astro-turf field that can host soccer, cricket and rugby matches. They’ve also brought in 12 coaches. 


One of Ukhanyo’s teachers and coaches, Lubabalo Pita, spoke to the value of these fields, saying “learning, improving and playing sport has given the learners great confidence.” 

Classes at this school are around 40-50 per teacher and some students struggle academically as a result. Playing sport has been a real booster for them, giving these young learners perspective and something other than academics to look forward to at school. 

Ukhanyo Primary School will now be able to host fixtures, where as before, their students would always be forced into traveling to their opponents for matches. Having this new large field will also let students practice match day scenarios, where as before, practicing on a smaller field students could only really practice skills. 

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